It’s interesting that Stallone’s macho parade opened theatrically the same day as Edgar Wright’s SCOTT PILGRIM VS THE WORLD, which stars scrawny Michael Cera as a babyfaced slacker who fights the seven former suitors of his new girlfriend in elaborately staged martial arts battles. THE EXPENDABLES appears to have been made in direct response to the 2000s’ breed of action hero, who tend to be smaller, milder, and more introspective than Sly’s generation.
In addition to the 64-year-old ROCKY star, still looking fit in spite or because of his obvious facelifts and steroid-enhanced physique, THE EXPENDABLES marks the big-screen return of Stallone’s former ROCKY IV rival Dolph Lundgren, who shows off character actor chops as a drug-addled mercenary named Gunner that plays a big part in the storyline by Stallone and Dave Callaham (DOOM).
Gunner, Lee Christmas (second-billed Jason Statham), Ying Yang (Jet Li), Toll Road (professional fighter Randy Couture), Hale Caesar (Terry Crews), and tattoo artist Tool (Mickey Rourke) are friends and members of a team of battle-hardened soldiers led by Stallone’s Barney Ross. Their easy banter makes it clear that these men have seen a lot of shit in their lifetimes, and despite Lee’s attempt at some kind of normal relationship with a woman named Lacy (BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER’s Charisma Carpenter), they’re resigned to the fact that they can only really be comfortable with one another.
The film’s most memorable scene contains no explosions or broken limbs at all. Just a short conversation that puts Stallone on the screen for the first time with fellow action icons Bruce Willis and Arnold Schwarzenegger that is shrewdly designed by Sly to dump a load of exposition in a manner certain not to bore the audience.
Ross and his team hires on for a $5 million payday to invade the army-protected stronghold of a Latin American dictator, General Garza (DEXTER’s David Zayas), who is involved in a massive drug-running operation with rogue CIA agent James Munroe (a deliciously lip-smacking Eric Roberts). Ross and Christmas’ reconnaissance teams them with their contact, the beautiful Sandra (Mexican starlet Giselle Itie, making her English-language debut), whom they discover is Garza’s ashamed daughter.
The script isn’t much to get excited about, though it does contain a few nice touches. When Ross and Christmas meet Sandra, they see that she’s an accomplished artist. Later, we discover the general is also an artist, allowing the audience to imagine a backstory of father teaching daughter his passion and the countless hours they spent together, providing an emotional resonance to their current estrangement without beating the audience over the head with it. Dialogue is mainly curt declarative statements and one-liners, but you aren’t seeing THE EXPENDABLES for the talky stuff anyway. If your memories include Friday nights at the local theater watching COBRA or COMMANDO or INVASION U.S.A., THE EXPENDABLES is right up your alley.
I won't be seeing this until the 26th, but I've been looking forward to some classic 80's style action for a long damn time. Rolling out to see it with a crew of like minded guys and probably slugging a pint or two beforehand for good measure.
I disagree. There was just too much winking and smiling and "Well, that's BLANK for you!" I was watching actors who were all in a movie having fun. Sometimes that works, but this time it was too much. I wanted a real film with these guys.
The only scene it was acceptable in was Arnold's first screen appearance in 6 years. It was diminished by the fact that every single person was already super-smiley. And he's sadly lost his charisma. (He comes off like a politician now.)
I would have loved it if this cast were together in a serious movie, like "Heat". It's not even really a throwback, though, since there was never a 90s action movie with this sort of cast strength.
Amid the winking and smiling, there's just no story. Stallone destroys a crooked government for a girl he doesn't know, and his pals join him? That's thin. And the effects were hideously cheap.
The joy for me was watching Dolph Lundgren. I've been a Lundgren defender for years. I thought he was good in "The Punisher" and great in "Johnny Mnemonic" (which is only 65% as bad as people make it out to be, I'd say).
I think Stallone is a great director. I'm glad for this film's success. I want him to keep making films. Even a sequel to this one.
I would ultimately defer to Marty McKee's jubilant, excellently composed thoughts, though. His words reflect those of the audience that will best appreciate the movie, which is the way it should be.
I have a question and please understand that I'm not accusing anyone of anything, I'm just curious.
I read a review of this movie from James Rolfe, the Angry Video Game Nerd, where he talked about this movie. Not only were his comments similar to some of the comments you used, but there are a few bits where you say some things he did almost word for word.
Was there a press release for this that some of you are quoting or do great minds just think alike? I'd really like to know.
As for the movie itself, on one hand it might have been nice for it to have been a bit longer so the other characters could have been developed, but that's not what this was really about. It was about a short, fast punch to the gut with the cast compensating for a more or less average story.
I know that and accept that and you know what, I LOVE THAT!!!
My gosh I haven't had this good a time at the movies in years! HUZZAH FOR THE EXPENDABLES!!!
I do not know what an Angry Video Game Nerd is. I do know some angry video game nerds, but no Angry Video Game Nerd.
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