First, the production company pursued an injunction against beloved TV Lone Ranger Clayton Moore that prohibited him from wearing a mask in public, which angered longtime fans.
Then, cast in the title role was a wooden unknown named Klinton Spilsbury, who not only got into a brawl during production, but was such a terrible actor that his part had to be totally redubbed by James Keach (THE LONG RIDERS).
One of the most notorious movie flops of the 1980s, THE LEGEND OF THE LONE RANGER at least looks nice, as well it should, having been photographed by Laszlo Kovacs (EASY RIDER) and directed by Oscar-nominated cameraman William A. Fraker (HEAVEN CAN WAIT). On the other hand, Fraker’s stodgy direction moves the film along at a snail’s pace, and the shallow screenplay is the product of five writers, including CHARLIE’S ANGELS producers Ivan Goff and Ben Roberts, who clearly have no idea what people want to see in a Lone Ranger movie.
What people most want to see is the Lone Ranger. Sounds like an obvious point, but the masked man doesn’t appear until 56 minutes into the movie. That’s just ridiculous. Also in the bad decision department is the use of Merle Haggard as a narrator that tells us every six minutes exactly what we’re looking at. Haggard sings the wretched theme song penned by FAME’s Dean Pitchford and John Barry, who also composed the score (which is good).
It isn’t until LEGEND gets into its final half hour that a plot actually occurs. And it’s a good one, as nefarious bandit Butch Cavendish (Christopher Lloyd), the man responsible for the murder of the Lone Ranger’s brother, details a plan to hijack a train and kidnap President Ulysses Grant (Jason Robards). But by the time this story gets underway, it’s almost time for the movie to be over, and the plot is no more developed than a typical TV episode.
What does work about LEGEND? The stunts and special effects are first-rate. Horse imbues Tonto with dignity. Lloyd is appropriately chilling in a role that should have been beefed up in a rewrite. And despite the script’s fiddling with the Lone Ranger’s origin, it’s still a thrill to see the hero gallop into action to the strains of the “William Tell Overture.” Performance issues aside, Spilsbury looks good in the costume.
I actually like this one. I kinda dug the long build-up. It almost plays like The Lone Ranger Begins. And the moment he first turns around wearing the mask when the William Tell Orchestra kicks in is legitimately badass.
The movie could've had more of a chance if Haggard were removed from the soundtrack, but the way the producers went after Clayton Moore proved to be more fatal to the film's gross than getting shot by Butch Cavendish!
I, too, liked it when Reid turned around, first sporting his Ranger mask!
I recall some of the merchandising tie-ins. There was a paperback novelization. Cheerios had a mail-in offer where kids could (I think) join a Lone Ranger Fan Club and get items like a poster with the Ranger and Tonto on it. There were even action figures (by Gabriel Toys), including horses!
It stinks the DVD is a shabby fullscreen job, and the chances anyone will reissue it in a remastered, widescreen form are practically nil.
The R2 DVD is widescreen, but the transfer is just okay.
I'll keep a look out for the R2 DVD.
Thanks, Marty!
Well, Hollywood is looking to make a run at a bad Lone Ranger film again it seems. There is a Johnny Depp version bouncing around, but they can't settle on a budget. Seriously, how can a Lone Ranger film cost $250 million?
I have a soft spot for this one. I wish their was a region 1 wide screen version of this available as I missed out on this when Flesh Wound Video had it. I have read the Disney version has werewolves, hence the $250 million budget.
Superman w/Chris Reeves was not too bad.The LR is a great story but the powers that be to include Depp has not done their home work. Armie hammer aint NO Clayton Moore. Would you have Bradd Pitt be Matt Diion? Young people have NO idea whom the LR is or what he stood for. This upcoming film WILL be a STINKER. I'll make book on it. Ideal actor to B Ranger--HUGH JACKMAN!!
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